This Friday, independent rock band Bluphoria is scheduled to release its self-titled major label debut album through Edgeout Records /Universal Music Group. The 11-song record is a presentation that audiences will find interesting and worth hearing at least once. That is due in part to its featured musical arrangements, which will be discussed shortly. The record’s lyrical content is of its own interest and will be discussed shortly. The sequencing of that collective content rounds out its most important elements and will also be addressed later. Each item noted here is important in its own way to the whole of Bluphoria. All things considered they make the band’s new album an interesting addition to this year’s field of independent albums.
Bluphoria, the self-titled major debut release from its namesake band, is a mostly enjoyable offering from the independent band. It is a presentation that audiences will agree is worth hearing at least once. That is due at least in part to its featured musical arrangements. From one song to the next, the arrangements each offer listeners their own unique presentations, each being so catchy and upbeat in its own way. Some of the songs’ arrangements are catchy, upbeat compositions that one might expect to hear on a college rock radio station, what with their indie rock sounds and styles. Others, such as ‘Ain’t Got Me’ and ‘Columbia’ blend elements of pop and blues for their own unique presentations that are just as engaging and entertaining as the album’s other works. ‘Show It To me’ on another note, is more of a poppy work that would fit just as well on a college radio station as on perhaps an independent music outlet. Simply put, the musical arrangements that make up Bluphoria’s body offer a diversity that in itself is certain to engage and entertain audiences.
The foundation formed by Bluphoria’s musical arrangements is relatively strong and stable. Building on that foundation is the engagement and entertainment brought through the record’s lyrical content. The lyrical content featured throughout the album is accessible from one to the next albeit less diverse. It would seem that for the most part, the lyrical content that accompanies the album’s musical arrangements focuses on the all too familiar topic of relationships. There is at least one break from that rule however, late in the album’s run in the form of ‘Guide Me.’ In the case of this song, the lyrics seem to address the racial divide in America as they state in the song’s lead verse and chorus, “City lights/Blind my eyes/But I’m just a black boy/Tryna get my cash right/Mama don’t/Don’t you cry/Oh, I/I’m gonna be alright/After what I’ve been through/I ain’t afraid when they kick me down/And the friends I once knew/They may have let me down/But/You can guide me, mama/Guide me away.” So not only does this song address race, but also family. It is a change in style from the other songs featured here. Of course, the mention of suffering from a broken heart later in the second verse could mean the “mama” is a love interest. If that is the case, then it brings the song back in line with the rest of the album’s lyrical content. That being the case, then all of the lyrical content featured in this record follows one central theme, that of love found, gained and lost. The various ways in which the overarching topic is addressed from song to song does change at least to a point. Keeping that in mind, it still plays a somewhat positive role to the album’s presentation.
The various ways in which Bluphoria addresses that overarching theme and the manner in which the songs are presented throughout the record play collectively into one more key item to examine here. That item in question is the record’s sequencing. As noted previously, there is slightly more diversity in the album’s musical content than its lyrical content. What is interesting is that in examining said diversity, it seems there was a deliberate approach in sequencing the arrangements. The arrangements featured in the record’s first half are mostly the type of songs that one might expect to hear on a college radio station what with the indie-rock sound and style exhibited in each song. The record’s second half presents arrangements that are somewhat different in their sound and style. There is more of a mainstream lean to the arrangements that make up the album’s second half. It really is an interesting and intriguing contrast between the two halves. The thing here is that given the subtle diversity within the arrangements and the overall contrast of approaches in the two halves, that overall presentation ensures its own share of engagement and entertainment.
The sequencing in regard to the album’s lyrical content becomes even more important because, again, of the apparent fact that the lyrical content largely follows one central topic. The way in which the topic is approached is really key to keeping listeners engaged in this aspect. Obviously, some thought and time went into making sure this element did not weigh down the album even considering the bigger picture of the lyrical content. The result of the sequencing is that the record’s general effect proves mostly positive. That mostly positive general effect pairs with the successful impact of the album’s musical arrangements and well thought out diversity in how its main lyrical topic was approached to make the record’s overall presentation mostly positive, too. It makes the album overall worth hearing at least once.
Bluphoria, the forthcoming self-titled major label album from its namesake band, is a work that proves itself a mostly successful first outing from the band. That is due in large part to its musical arrangements. The arrangements offer audiences a certain level of diversity throughout its 34-minue run time. There is some indie rock alongside some more poppy content that leans more in the mainstream direction. The whole gives listeners reason enough to take in the album. The lyrical content that accompanies the album’s musical arrangements is of its own interest. It seems to generally follow one overarching topic but manages to vary how the topic is addressed from song to song. That in itself ensures listeners’ engagement and entertainment at least to a slight point, too. The sequencing of that collective content rounds out the record’s most important aspects. That is because the sequencing results in a mostly positive general effect. That general effect pairs with the impact of the content itself and collectively to make the overall presentation worth hearing at least once.
Bluphoria is scheduled for release Friday through Edgeout/Universal Music Group. More information on the album is available along with all of the band’s latest news at