Ray Alder Debuts New Album’s Second Single, Video

May 10 — Fates Warning front man Ray Alder offered up a new preview of his new solo album this week

Alder debuted the album’s second single, ‘Waiting For Some Fun‘ and the song’s companion video Wednesday. The song is the second single from Alder’s forthcoming sophomore solo record, the aptly titled II, which is scheduled for release June 9 through InsideOut Music. Alder premiered the album’s lead single, ‘This Hollow Shell‘ and its companion lyric video early last month.

The musical arrangement featured in Alder’s new single offers more of the melancholy vibes presented in ‘This Hollow Shell’ in its early bars. That brooding nature is replaced as the song progresses though, by a decidedly more prog-metal style and sound that is somewhat comparable to works from the likes of Office of Strategic Influence (O.S.I.). While there is some heaviness in ‘This Hollow Shell,’ the overall approach between the songs is clearly different overall, making for reason enough for audiences to hear the song.

Alder talked at length about the new single’s arrangement in a prepared statement:

“I wanted a totally different style for a song on the new album,” Alder said. “Something that set itself apart from the rest. [Guitarist] Mike [Abdow] and I got to talking and I said I want a song where the chorus is in the beginning but builds and gets bigger every time it repeats. Also dark with a lot of attitude. This is the music he came up with. I personally love how the vocal melody has nothing to do with the guitars. A sort of chaos that makes sense. At least to me…”

No information was provided about the song’s lyrical theme in the news release announcing the debut of Alder’s new single and video. The lyrics provided with the song’s video hint at a song that is deeply contemplative. It comes across as a rumination on how we cause our own mental anguish by causing just as much for others. That is just this critic’s interpretation.

Much of the song’s mood and message are illustrated through the song’s video, which finds Alder standing in front of a light, his silhouette presented against an otherwise dark background. His fellow musicians each perform their respective parts to the song in their own darkness as the song plays over the visualization.

The track listing for II is noted below.

RAY ALDER – “II” (51:20)
1. This Hollow Shell (06:02)
2. My Oblivion (04:36)
3. Hands Of Time (06:08)
4. Waiting For Some Sun (04:29)
5. Silence The Enemy (04:41)
6. Keep Wandering (05:51)
7. Those Words I Bled (05:51)
8. Passengers (05:51)
9. Changes (07:45)

More information on Ray Alder’s new album is available along with all of his latest news at:

