Baby Metal-Babyklok Tour Review and Photos-09/24/23-The Rave Eagles Club-Milwaukee, WI-Photographed and Review by Jeremy Smith

In Latest Concert Photos, Show Reviews
September 27, 2023

 The Babyklok Tour plays a sold out show at The Rave Eagles Ballroom in Milwaukee WI.


 The Babyklok tour lineup consists of a double headliner show, featuring Baby Metal and Dethklok with support from Jason Richardson. 


 The Eagles Ballroom at The Rave was packed for the sold out show. A lot of people in the crowd were dressed in the style of Baby Metal and others were dressed as characters from Metalocalypse the animated series in which the band Dethklok comes from.

 The evening started with Jason Richardson up on stage alone playing guitar to backing tracks. Jason Richardson has a pretty impressive resume having played with Born of Osiris, Chelsea’s Grin and currently with All That Remains along with his solo work. Jason didn’t need anyone else up there with him. He did an amazing job opening the show with his virtuoso guitar playing. He had the fretboard of his guitar burning up from the speed of his playing. He was also very active on stage moving around on the stage. The audience was definitely feeling his music right from the start of his set.

 Next up was the first headliner of the night. The headliners switch it up each night on who performs first. This night it was Baby Metal that went first. They definitely had a big following at the show. The audience broke out in huge cheers as the three young ladies of baby metal took the stage. Su-metal, Moa-metal and Momo-metal the lead singer and backups/dancers were so full of energy. Pretty much non stop through the set the 3 were dancing choreographed dances. The band stayed their places in back mostly in darkness the whole set. Each of them wore masks. The main focus of the band is the three young ladies. With there cute look and flashy outfits. Baby Metal is a band from Japan known as Kawaii Metal. Metal music with the idol singer style. It is really something different and I think it works so well. Definitely with the fan following they have lots of others agree. You have this very heavy music mixed with the cute female vocals of Su-metal along with backing vocals from her two sidekicks. It totally is just something very different and add in the synchronized dancing and Japanese language and it makes it something totally unique. Especially here in the US. No wonder they have gained such a hard-core following. Not only from the metal crowd but there were also many young kids in the audience that were definitely fans. Behind the band they also had a huge screen playing really cool visuals throughout the set. Baby Metal’s set consisted of 11 songs but the crowd was definitely wanting more, I definitely would have loved to have heard a lot more from them. The songs in the set were,

  2. Gimme Chocolate!!
  3. PA PA YA!!
  4. Distortion
  5. BxMxC
  6. Mirror Mirror
  7. Monochrome
  8. METALI!!
  9. Megitsune
  10. Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!!
  11. Road of Resistance

 This is one band I would definitely live to see again. I don’t know the last time I was at a concert that was so fun and so different than Baby Metal.

 The night ended with the final headliners Dethklok. Dethklok is a fictional band from the animated series Metalocalypse which has four seasons. The band stood in front of a huge screen in pretty much darkness the while time. As the screen played animations from the Metalocalypse series. The band played their set to it, which is heavy death metal kind of a complete contrast to the cutesy metal with Baby Metal just before. This is also a band that seems to have its own special following. Likely a lot of fans of the Metalocalypse series also. These guys sounded really good also, but seemed so different watching the show which mainly just consisted of the band members silhouettes against the giant screen. But fans were in a circle pit and crowd surfing throughout the set. 

Showing the excitement of the heavy set Dethklok brought to the stage.


 All in all this is a great tour but my take is that Baby Metal totally took the night as the crowd even seemed to thin out a bit after they left the stage. Baby Metal is the one show from this tour that I would definitely like to see again, and also with a much longer set. I would say get out there and see this show if it’s in your area, definitely worth seeing.