Cohen Media Group Announces Details For New Buster Keaton Collection

In Movie and TV Reviews and News
October 10, 2023

Oct. 10 — More than two years after releasing its fourth collection of Buster Keaton movies, Cohen Media Group is primed to release another collection of the famed silent film star’s movies this fall.

The Buster Keaton Collection Volume 5Three Ages and Our Hospitality are scheduled for release Nov. 7 on Blu-ray. Originally released in 1923, Three Ages is another comedy from Keaton and his first foray in feature film production following a series of successful shorts. the story follows Keaton’s character as he searches for love over the course of three separate ages, with plenty of laughs along the way.

Also having premiered in 1923, Our Hospitality is one more comedy from Keaton. In this movie he play a 19th Century New Yorker who heads south to claim his inheritance. There is just one problem. When he gets there he finds that his family is feuding with the family of the woman he loves. The woman in question is played here by Keaton’s real-life wife, Natalie Talmadge.

More information on this and other titles from Cohen Media Group is available online now at:


