Mad Cave’s ‘Defenders Of The Earth’ “Rebirth” Gets Off To A Great Start In Issue #1

More than 35 years after making its debut on television and on the printed page through Marvel Comics imprint Star Comics, Defenders of the Earth is set to get new life new life next month in the first issue of a new 8-issue series from Mad Cave Studios.  The first issue will largely impress longtime fans of Defenders of the Earth and its comics counterpart.  That is due in large part to its story, which will be discussed shortly.  The story’s pacing adds to its appeal and will be addressed a little later.  The first printing will allegedly come with a special bonus for the most devoted audiences.  This adds even more to the appeal.  It will also be addressed later.  Each item noted is key in its own way to the whole of the forthcoming lead issue of Defenders of the Earth #1.  All things considered they make this rebirth of one of Earth’s greatest superhero teams a welcome return.

Defenders of the Earth #1, the leadoff to Mad Cave Studios’ 8-issue series focusing on the famed superhero group, which rose to fame in the late 1980s on television and on the printed page, is engaging and entertaining.  Its appeal comes in no small part through its story.  The story actually starts in the prologue to the series that is included in the newly released debut issue of Flash Gordon.  Mandrake and his assistant Lothar are trying to hold off Ming’s forces as Flash battles Ming on the planet Mongo.  Sadly, Flash’s wife and longtime love Dale Arden, was killed in the events of the combat, which has filled Flash with absolute rage.  The impact of that rage is revealed in the debut issue of this new series in surprising fashion.  That aspect of Dale being killed is right in line with the short-lived cartoon series, as is the inclusion of the children of the Defenders of the Earth, Rick (Flash’s son), Kshin (Mandrake’s adopted son), and LJ, son of Lothar.

The interesting twist in the story comes as writer Dan Didio (Superboy, Batman Incorporated, Justice League Dark) picks up the story in the 21st century, in 2024.  In this story, Ming’s attack happened two years prior.  While the threat from Ming is gone, the relationship between Rick and Flash is apparently quite strained as he does not seem to have any time for his own son.  Meanwhile, Kshin hs become Flash’s personal assistant.  Didio makes it seem like perhaps there could be a villain turn in the works for Kshin, considering how he talks to Rick as he tells Rick his dad cannot meet him for dinner as planned.  It is possible this could be a red herring move, and if so, then Didio is to be applauded, considering the subtle way in which this interaction points to that possibility.  What’s more, one cannot help but wonder if Gordon has let fame go to his head since the attacks, considering this or is something else going on?  It is another great subtle way for Didio to keep readers engaged.

There is also a surprising twist involving The Phantom as he tells Lothar he looks forward to returning to Africa alongside Lothar and LJ.  Not to give away too much, it appears there is more than one Phantom, meaning a showdown there is in the works between The Phantom and the man who has taken on the name and mask of “The Ghost Who Walks.”  That setup closes out the lead issue of Defenders of the Earth #1, expertly leaving readers excited for what is to come in the series’ second issue come September.

Understanding how much is going on in the debut issue of Defenders of the Earth #1, the pacing is crucial to it all.  Again, Didio is to be commended for his work ensuring the multiple interweaving storylines do not lead to the story getting muddied down in itself.  Rather he spends just enough time on each building story line to get readers interested before moving on to the next part of the arc.  That is done through short dialogue and clear transitions from page to page.  The result of that attention to detail ensures the story in this issue flows fluidly and keeps readers completely aware of everything happening without allowing for any confusion.

That steady pacing and the story itself do plenty to make Defenders of the Earth #1 well worth reading upon publication next month.  It is just part of what makes this lead-off issue worth checking out, too.

It would appear that the first printing of Issue #1 will come with a poseable action figure of none other than Flash Gordon.  The action figure looks just like what one might expect from a more vintage type action figure considering the design.  There is not that spit-shined look of so many action figure toys out there today.  To that end, the nostalgia that the very design generates is sure to make any longtime Flash Gordon fan happy.  The combination of that bonus collectible along with the comic will appeal to the most devoted readers, yes.  And there is nothing wrong with that, either.  It is a great bonus, especially considering that it will help take those readers back in time to a bygone era in their own minds.  Officials at Mad Cave Studios are to be commended for this simple but so important bonus.  When it is considered along with the story contained in this presentation, the story’s pacing, and even its art, the whole therein makes Defenders of the Earth #1 another great presentation for so many comics fans this year.

Defenders of the Earth #1, the forthcoming full-length rebirth of the classic cartoon and its comics counterpart is a great new presentation from Mad Cave Studios that is sure to appeal to readers of all ages.  Due out next month, the forthcoming offering succeeds in part through its story, which actually pays tribute to its source material to a point as it opens.  The story’s pacing proves just as important as the story itself.  The pacing succeeds thanks to the attention to the dialogue and the transitions within the story.  The bonus action figure that allegedly will come with the comic book’s first printing adds even more to the reason for audiences to own this opening offering from Mad Cave Studios’ new series.  That is because of the nostalgia that it is sure to enhance especially for older fans of the timeless hero who got his start ages ago on the pages of Sunday papers nationwide.  When that bonus is considered along with the book’s story, pacing, and art, the whole makes Defenders of the Earth #1 a great rebirth of sorts for this classic cartoon and comic book series.

Defenders of the Earth #1 is scheduled for release in comics stores nationwide Aug. 14 through Mad Cave Studios.  More information on this and other titles from Mad Cave Studios is available at:


