Home Movie and TV Reviews and News Mad Cave Studios’ Forthcoming Multi-Title Comics Project Opens With A “Bang” In...

Mad Cave Studios’ Forthcoming Multi-Title Comics Project Opens With A “Bang” In ‘Revolution 9 #1’

Courtesy: Mad Cave Studios

Comics producer Mad Cave Studios is set to release next year, a new crossover project dubbed “Endless Night.”  The series, which was announced in late June, will see the connections of three new titles, Revolution 9Exit City and Hour of the Wolf.  Exit City and Hour of the Wolf are set to debut next month while Revolution 9 will kick off the whole “Underworld” run that leads up to “Endless Night” Sept. 25 with its debut issue.  Revolution 9 #1 is a powerful launch for Mad Cave Studios’ new far-reaching comics project.  That is due in no small part to its featured story, which will be discussed shortly.  The story’s pacing also plays into its appeal and will be addressed a little later.  The overall art presented here rounds out the most important of the book’s elements and will also be examined later.  Each item noted is important in its own way to the whole of the book.  All things considered they make this 21-page opener to this new comic series an interesting first outing for the title.

Revolution 9 #1, the lead-off to Mad Cave Studios’ new building “Underworld” story (which itself will lead into the company’s forthcoming “Endless Night” crossover event) is an interesting start to the overall tale.  Its interest comes in large part through its featured the story.  The story is, essentially, an origin story for its main character, Velveteen.  Known by her title Revolution Velveteen 9 as part of the cult organization Order of Nine, she was adopted by its head, Mr. Volta, when she and her sister were children, living in an orphanage.  Now as an adult, she is still an assassin for the organization, but things have changed.  Velveteen’s view has changed regarding the Order and it shows when she decides to save a hacker named Jasper who has uncovered the Order’s actions and history.  What led her to change her views will be left for readers to discover for themselves.  The whole thing honestly feels somewhat abrupt right from the outset, but readers who allow themselves to keep reading will find themselves engaged to a point.  On the same note, readers familiar with their comics history will also find themselves making at least some comparison to Marvel’s infamous anti-hero assassin, Black Widow.  The characters’ back stories are separate from one another but still close enough that the comparison is inescapable.  The whole sets up what is sure to be an interesting continuing action packed story that will keep audiences engaged as it progresses in its coming issues.

Having noted that the story opens rather abruptly, it manages to work thanks to the quick transition to Velveteen’s back story.  That back story and the setup for the coming bigger story work because of the pacing between the two plot elements.  Writer Mark London (Battlecats, Hunt. Kill. Repeat.) is to be commended for keeping the story moving fluidly from the early intro to Velveteen’s back story to the setup.  This pacing works because London does not waste any time in each part of the whole.  He gives readers just enough to know what is getting ready to happen.  Even as the story finally gets moving, London makes sure things get moving as soon as possible.  This actually generates a certain energy within the story that in itself heightens the tension and in turn makes the story more exciting.  Keeping this in mind, the pacing of Revolution 9’s debut issue does just enough to play into the issue’s appeal.

The artwork featured throughout the course of this story works with the story and its pacing to put the finishing touch to the presentation.  Carlos Reno (Doctor WhoEvil ErnieThe Foretold), who designed the book’s art, said in a prepared statement, London’s script made him think of a 90s action flick.  It really does have that look, right from the outset.  Case in point is the opening exterior shot of Mr. Volta’s mansion and the scene in which he and the camo-clad Thorn are walking together in the property’s back yard.  It immediately conjures thoughts of something that could easily have been in maybe Rambo or something else along those lines.  Meanwhile, designs that he ironically created for the likes of Marvel’s Black Widow and another famed comic book, Red Sonja through Prado Art Studios show that same similarity to comic titles released during the 90s.  The distinct coloring by Jao Canola plays just as much into that look.  The art and coloring play together to create a certain sense of nostalgia that plenty of readers will appreciate just as much as the story and its pacing.  Keeping that in mind, the overall artwork featured here works with the story and its pacing to make the overall production an interesting way to start Mad Cave Studios’ new bigger “universe-spanning” project.  It deserves to be read at least once by any fan of comics and movies from the 1990s.

Revolution 9 #1, the debut issue of Mad Cave Studios’ new comic series, is an intriguing offering from the company.  Its interest comes in part through its story, which as noted previously, plays out just like an action flick from the 1990s.  at the same time, the comparison to Marvel’s famed comic series, Black Widow are just as inescapable, and not in a bad way, either.  That in itself is reason enough for readers to give this book a chance.  The story’s pacing is steady from beginning to end, this even with the story opening somewhat abruptly.  It wastes no time setting things up, establishing back story, and getting the present story moving, ensuring audiences know exactly what is going on without getting too wordy or lengthy at any point.  This is positive in its own right, unquestionably.  The artwork featured throughout the book throws back to various books from Marvel and DC Comics from the 1990s just as the story throws back in its own right.  Keeping that in mind, readers’ nostalgia will be enhanced through this aspect, and in turn increase their engagement and entertainment.  It puts the finishing touch to the whole that when considered collectively, The result of everything in mind is a title that will appeal perhaps to a specific audience base and within that base will find appeal from being read at least once.

Revolution 9 #1 is scheduled for release Sept. 25 through Mad Cave Studios.  More information on this and other titles from Mad Cave Studios is available at:




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