Details Announced For Release Of Modern Indie Holiday Noir Movie

Oct. 10 — Charles Dickens’ classic novel A Christmas Carol is easily one of the most reimagined stories in the history of literature and cinema.

The story has been adapted in countless ways over the ages since its publication more than 180 years ago (it was first published in 1843). Some adaptations have become timeless, such as the 1984 cinematic adaptation, which starred George C. Scott — Patton, and the 1951 adaptation, starring Alastair Sim — Stage FrightAn Inspector CallsInspector Hornleigh).

There have also been plenty of lesser-known renditions of the timeless tale and this winter, VCI Entertainment will release one of those lesser-known cinematic adaptations in the form of Blue Christmas. Set for release Nov. 12, the modern noir flick is set in 1942. It stars Rob Merritt (Nun Smack2020 VisionAmelia 2.0) as detective Richard Stone in the lead.

Stone’s former partner, Jake Marley (Chris Causey — The Man in PurpleDeath by FruitcakeAllison Red) visits him on Christmas Eve, a year after his death, which Stone decided not to try and solve and tells Stone he must solve his former partner’s murder by midnight. He is helped along the way by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. The Ghost of Christmas Past is none other than infamous outlaw Bonnie, of Bonnie and Clyde infamy. The Ghost of Christmas Present is a deceased soldier. The Ghost of Christmas Future is none other than the “King of Rock ‘N Roll” himself.

The movie’s forthcoming release will include as extras, commentaries by writer/director Max Collins and producer/editor Chad T. Bishop. Question and answer sessions from screenings of the new movie are also included as extras.

The movie’s trailer is available here.

More information on this and other titles from VCI Entertainment is available at:


