Details Announced For Re-Issue Of 1927 Mystery Thriller

Jan. 30 — Universal Pictures’ classic 1927 silent film, The Cat and The Canary is set to get the re-issue treatment this spring.

Eureka Entertainment and MVD Entertainment Group have partnered to re-issue the mystery thriller on Blu-ray April 23. Starring Laura La Plante (ShowboatThe Last WarningGod’s Gift to Women) and Tully Marshall (ScarfaceThe Covered WagonThe Hurricane Express), and based on the 1922 stage production by John Willard, the movie is a landmark presentation from Universal, having inspired later movies, such as The Old Dark HouseThe Black Cat and The Bat.

The similarity in all of these movies comes through the story featured in The Cat and The Canary. The story centers on a group of people who have gathered in the home of the late millionaire, Cyrus West. As everyone gathered listens to the reading, they learn that West had left everything to his niece Annabelle, pending her being proven sane.

Tensions among West’s surviving family members rise throughout the night, and the revelation that a murderer who goes by the name of “The Cat” has escaped a nearby asylum only increases those tensions and fears. Things only get scarier for everyone after West’s lawyer disappears and other mysteries arise.

The upcoming re-issue of The Cat and The Canary will be the first time it has ever been released on Blu-ray. It will be presented in a limited edition O-card slipcase. An O-card slipcase is a slipcase with openings at either end of the case.

The forthcoming re-issue will also feature a variety of extras, such as new feature-length audio commentary from author Stephen Jones and author/critic Kim Newman; a collector’s booklet with writings by Richard Combs, Craig Ian Mann, and Imogen Sara Smith; extracts from John Willard’s original play that inspired this movie, and video essay by David Cairns and Fiona Watson.

A trailer for the movie is streaming here. Pre-orders are open.

More information on the forthcoming re-issue of The Cat and The Canary and other titles from Eureka Entertainment is available along with all of the company’s latest news at:



