Mad Cave Studios’ New ‘Flash Gordon’ Anthology Is An Invaluable Piece Of Comics History

Flash Gordon is among the most well-known and beloved figures in the history of comics.  If not for Gordon, many of the greatest superheroes from Marvel and Detective Comics (DC) may not have gained the fame they did.  He was the forebearer to so many of today’s greatest superheroes and this year, his legacy (and that of his creator, Alex …

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Mad Cave Studios’ New ‘Flash Gordon’ Anthology Is An Invaluable Piece Of Comics History

Flash Gordon is among the most well-known and beloved figures in the history of comics.  If not for Gordon, many of the greatest superheroes from Marvel and Detective Comics (DC) may not have gained the fame they did.  He was the forebearer to so many of today’s greatest superheroes and this year, his legacy (and that of his creator, Alex …

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