Nonpoint Announces Details For New Leg Of Its “Million Watts Tour”

Feb. 23 — Nonpoint’s “Million Watts Tour” will continue this year The tour, whose first leg spanned Dec. 1-15, will continue this spring. The new leg of the tour is scheduled to launch April 11 in Minot, ND and to run through May 18 in Lansing, MI. The tour also features scheduled performances in cities nationwide, such as Jacksonville, NC; …

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Nonpoint Announces Dates For “The Million Watts Tour 2023”

Sept. 27 — Nonpoint will head back out on the road this fall for a new tour. The band announced Wednesday, it will tentatively launch “The Million Watts Tour 2023” Dec. 1 in Harrisburg, PA. The two-week tour is scheduled to run through Dec. 15 in Flint, MI and will largely take the band through the Northeast and Midwest, as …

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