CMG’s British WWII Movie Set Will Appeal To Many Movie Buffs, Historians

Late this winter as the new year opened and the cold winds of winter blew so hard, Cohen Media Group gave audiences a new reason to stay indoors and warm while they counted the days until spring when the company released its new World War II double feature, The Sea Shall Not Have Them/Albert R.N.  The two British imports are …

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CMG To Release British Wartime Cinema Double Feature Next Month

Dec. 15 — Cohen Media Group will release two classic British wartime movies next month on Blu-ray. The Sea Shall Not Have Them and Albert R.N. are scheduled for release Jan. 23 in a Blu-ray double feature collection. Both films were directed by Oscar(R) and BAFTA(R) Award-winner Lewis Gilbert (Alfie, Moonraker, You Only Live Twice, The Spy Who Loved Me). The Sea Shall Not Have Them (1954) is …

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