Kurt Baker Debuts New Album’s Lead Single, Video

May 24 — Fans of Kurt Baker are getting their first taste of his forthcoming album this week.

Baker premiered his new single, ‘Anchors Up‘ and its video Tuesday. The song and its video are the first from Baker’s upcoming album, Rock ‘N’ Roll. The album’s release date is under consideration.

The musical arrangement featured in ‘Anchors Up’ is a catchy, up-beat pop rock style composition. According to Baker himself, he made the song with inspiration from the likes of The Kinks and Green Day in mind.

“‘Anchors Up’ started around an idea I had while living in Spain during the lockdown confinement,” Baker said. “Being confined to your house was not a great experience, but I remember I used to take my guitar and play it next to my window, to get some sunlight. I guess the rays of sunshine brought a happy upbeat melody to my mind, definitely with the flavor of something Green Day might have recorded on their ‘Warning’ album, or maybe even the Kinks, which coincidently, I think Green Day was listening to a lot when they recorded ‘Warning’.

Baker added, the lyrics changed over time due to input from Wicked Cool Records founder Little Steven.

“When I sent it to Little Steven to listen to he told me straight up that the song was way too “happy” sounding! I’m very fortunate to have the ability to work with somebody like Steven, who knows his music, and his feedback and critique of my ideas are so extremely valuable,” Baker said. “The song took another direction, once I sat down with my best buddy Geoff Palmer to work on the lyrics. Now the track has this sort of ‘Sloop John B’ vibe to it. Almost a bit of a maritime thing going.. Anchors, drunk captains… You know, I’m from Maine so I’ve been on a boat, and I’ve been around a lot of drunk captains and captainesses, or so they say they are! I’m very very excited for ‘Anchors Up’ to be the lead kick-off single for my new album ‘Rock N Roll Club’. Dig it!”

The video for ‘Anchors Up’ follows Baker as he makes his way down a coastal road, meeting up with friends along the way as the song plays over and Baker sings along. The video ends as the group reaches the beach, the sun setting in the distance.

In other news, Kurt Baker has a series of tour dates coming up starting June 1 in Portland, ME. The current dates are noted below:

Upcoming shows:

6/17 – Portland, ME @ Bunker Brewery

7/1 – Madison, WI @ Mickey’s

9/29 – Boston, MA TBA Album Release Party

9/30 – New York, NY TBA Album Release Party


11/24 – Portland, ME @ Geno’s Rock Club

Baker premiered another, standalone single last month in the form of ‘Secrets‘ Friday. The standalone single is a fun, catchy composition that is driven equally through its guitar line, keyboard composition and infectious beat.

The poppy, up-tempo composition’s arrangement works well with its lyrical theme, which comes across as a love song of sorts. This is inferred as the song’s subject urges his/her love interest to share his/her secrets just between them. The playful approach to the declaration that no one is listening makes that especially the case.

Baker talked about the song’s musical approach in a prepared statement.

“‘Secrets’ is a song that was influenced by classic Motown-James Jamerson basslines, mixed with a bit of Big Star high-volume guitar…,” Baker said. “I love writing and recording catchy pop songs, and the KB Band does it really well, so here’s another great example of us, doing what we do, and playing what we play. Rock on and enjoy the tune!”

More information on Kurt Baker’s new single is available along with all of his latest news at:

