Live Concert Photos of Bush-The Rave-Eagles-Club-05-14-2023-Jeremy Smith

In Latest Concert Photos
May 14, 2023


Bush Concert at The Rave Eagles Ballroom in Milwaukee WI May 14th

  After a long rainy day the rain finally let up just in time Sunday evening. At 6pm the doors opened for crowd to make their way into The Rave Eagles Ballroom for a night of music. I arrived around 6:30 went to the box office to pick up my photo pass, as I’d be photographing the show. After I made my way up to the upper level where the largest venue of the multi level building is. By the look of the crowd I’m sure it was very close to being sold out. I seen a big mix of both Bush and Breaking Benjamin shirts throughout the crowd. As Breaking Benjamin was the headliner of the night. Shortly after getting my gear ready and settled in the show began. 


 Another Day Dawns started out the show. These guys are a band I’ve never heard until this night. They’re based out of Pennsylvania and are made up of 4 members. Singer Dakota Sean, guitarist Tyler Ritter bassist Livi Dillon and founding member/drummer Nick McGeehan. These guys definitely were a great opener, they had the crowd going right from the start of their set and didn’t let up till the end. At one point Dakota Sean talked about not giving up on your dreams. That they never thought they’d be where they are today. That we are able to achieve our dreams whatever they may be as long as we don’t give up. Another Day Dawns put on a great opening set and would see the only mosh pits of the night.


Next up for the show as I could tell the crowd was really excited for  Bush. 

  But first rewind around 20 years ago. A cold winter back then I had tickets to see Bush at the same venue. Unfortunately due to a bad blizzard that day and over an hour drive for me I was not able to make it. Even though Bush had announced they were already in town and the show would go on. This is a concert I always regretted not making it to. 


So back to the present day I was also very excited to finally see Bush. With the plus of being able to photograph the show also. This is a band that has had so many great songs and albums throughout the years, surely to be a great show. I’m standing on the side stage waiting to go into the photo pit for photography during the first 3 songs.  Look to my side and right next to me is singer Gavin Rossdale along with the rest of the band standing near him as they were about to go on. I must say it was quite the experience seeing Gavin standing there. But as soon as that happened I made my way into the pit realizing they were about to go on. 


Drummer Robin Goodridge came out first and started playing a heavy hitting opening on the drums. After a few minutes the rest of the band came on stage, lead guitar Chris Traynor, bassist Corey Britz and singer/guitar Gavin Rossdale. First song Bush played was ‘Identity’ off of The Art of Survival album. Gavin Rossdale was full of energy as he would be back and forth on stage throughout the set and feeling the music as he danced around. The only times Gavin stayed in one area would be when he had his guitar strapped on for a few songs. Being Mothers Day one of the first things Gavin said once he spoke between songs was wishing everyone a  Happy Mothers Day. When they played ‘Flowers On a Grave’ the excitement grew. As Gavin Rossdale came down off the stage made his way over the barricade and started making his way through the crowd. Knowing this was going to happen I made my way up to the middle of the balcony above. Eventually Gavin made his way up to the balcony and right past me. The whole crowd was ecstatic with cell phones out recording the experience. After he made his way back up to the stage in time for the next song ‘Everything Zen’. Some of the other highlights of the set for me were ‘Machinehead’, ‘Everything Zen’, ‘Heavy Is The Ocean’, ‘Glycerine’ and ‘Comedown’. During ‘Glycerine’ Gavin Rossdale was on stage alone playing guitar and singing a solo version of the song. After the rest of the band came back out and they played ‘Comedown’.

  Was definitely worth the long wait to see Bush in concert and was an experience I won’t forget. I totally suggest getting out there and seeing these guys on tour if they’re coming to your area. 

  The night was finished off by Breaking Benjamin taking the stage for the remainder of the night. Which was also a great set put on by these guys.