Mayhem Rockstar Magazine


Priest’s Latest LP Will Appeal To A Wide Range Of Electronic Music Fans

Independent industrial act Priest released, this past Friday, its latest album, Dark Pulse through Label Blue Nine.  The 10-song record is a presentation that will appeal not only to fans of industrial music, but also to those who are fans of the realms of techno and synthwave, as well as dark techno and even dark wave, considering how closely all said subgenres are interconnected.  This is proven through its musical arrangements, which make up one of the album’s most notable elements.  The lyrical themes that accompany the album’s musical arrangements are of their own interest and will be examined a little later.  The record’s overall production puts the finishing touch to its presentation and will also be addressed later.  Each item noted plays its own important part to the whole of Dark Pulse.  All things considered they make Dark Pulse a record that electronic music fans in general will find worth hearing at least once.

Dark Pulse, the latest album from electronic music act Priest (the band’s fourth album and seventh overall studio recording, counting its three EPs and other albums), is a record that the band’s established audiences and electronic music fans in general will find worth hearing at least once.  That is due in part to its featured musical arrangements.  Throughout the course of the album’s 35-minute run time, the arrangements exhibit influences of all of the noted techno subgenres.  ‘Just a Game,’ for instance, (the album’s latest single), presents a musical arrangement that lends itself to comparison to works from the likes of Gravity Kills, Orgy, and to a slightly lesser degree Master Boot Record.  One could even argue that there is a comparison to early Nine Inch Nails a la ‘Down In It,’ and ‘Sin.’

On a different note, ‘Chaos Reigns,’ which closes the album, takes a completely different stylistic approach.  In the case of this arrangement, the composition takes more of an 80s synth pop approach.  More specifically, it is comparable to works from the likes of Tears For Fears, The Human League, and even Depeche Mode to a slightly lesser degree.  Simply put, the band takes listeners in a direction distinct from that of ‘Just a Game’ and the album’s other tracks, making clearer the importance of the album’s overall musical arrangements.

‘Demon’s Call,’ which comes early in the album’s run, is yet another example of that importance.  That is because while the Depeche Mode comparisons are just as present here, there is far more of a synthwave approach here than in other moments in the albums’ musical body.  To that end, it is yet another example of the subtle variances in the overall electronic dance music approach that Priest took throughout its new album.  Audiences who listen closely will catch those subtle variances.  As a result, those audiences will find appeal therein.

The musical arrangements featured throughout Dark Pulse are collectively just part of what make the album worth hearing.  The lyrical themes seem to touch on a variety of topics in themselves.  Take for instance the single, ‘Black Venom,’  According to information provided in a news release announcing the debut of that single early last month, the song’s theme centers on “the human struggle to transcend the struggles of the psyche.”  Interestingly enough, were that explanation not available one would think the song is, lyrically, about dealing with addiction.  This as it states in part, “I’m just revenant flesh/Crawling from the abyss/Addiction can start afresh/Just like a siren’s kiss.”  The further statement in the chorus of “Black venom/Still running through my sickened body” points at that seeming theme, too.   It is further inferred (again sans explanation) as it states in its final lines, “Keeping me up at night/Draining my energy/Defragging my hard drive/From all sobriety.”  One can see here how the theme can be misinterpreted.  Either way, the way in which the matter of discussing that inner turmoil clearly is unique, making for its own interest.  It is yet another example of the importance of the album’s lyrical themes to its overall presentation.  When this theme and that featured in ‘Just a Game’ are considered alongside the rest of the album’s themes, the whole makes for even more interest.

Putting the final touch to the album is its overall production.  The record’s production is important because of the result that it generated in the balance of the driving electronic dance music arrangements and the vocals from one song to the next.  The use of the keyboards and other electronic elements within the arrangements are just as well balanced, ensuring each element within each song is fully represented.  The result is an esthetic that will appeal to the noted audiences just as much as the album’s content itself.  To that end, the production presented herein works with the album’s content to make it a presentation that will appeal to most electronic music fans.

Dark Pulse, the latest studio offering form Dark Pulse, is a presentation that fans of electronic music will agree deserves to be heard at least once.  That is due in part to its musical arrangements.  The arrangements each exhibit their own distinct electronic music influence.  Audiences who listen closely will catch those subtle variances displayed within each work, too.  They make for reason in themselves to hear this record.  The lyrical themes that accompany the album’s musical arrangements make for their own interest because of the topics that they cover and the unique way in which they are presented.  The record’s production brings all of that content together and expertly balances it in the process, ensuring each part compliments the other from beginning to end.  All things considered they make Dark Pulse an interesting addition to this year’s field of new electronic music albums that deserves to be heard at least once.

Dark Pulse is available now.  More information on the album is available along with all of Priest’s latest news at:



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