Joy Buzzer Debuts New Single, ‘You’d Be Surprised’

July 5 — Pop rock outfit Joy Buzzer unveiled its latest single this week.

The band, which recently signed to Wicked Cool Records, premiered its new single, ‘You’d Be Surprised‘ Friday. The song’s musical arrangement is a catchy, infectious, upbeat composition whose light approach intriguingly actually shows a subtle comparison to none other than Van Halen’s classic hit single, ‘Finish What You Started.’ A close listen to the two songs reveals that comparison, intriguing as it is.

Guitarist Jed Becker talked about the song’s arrangement and its musical theme in a preapred statement.

“The narrator of this little tale hasn’t hit bottom yet…but he’s certainly close to it,” Becker said. “If I was the woman he’s trying to lure into sharing the ‘helluva ride’ he’s on, I’d run the other way. This one features a great Everly Bros.-type double lead vocal from singer Kevin Lydon, and more of the take-no-prisoners power pop our fans have come to expect from us. Enjoy!”

More information on Joy Buzzer’s new single is available along with all of the band’s latest news at:

