Mayhem Rockstar Magazine


Serious Black’s Latest LP Is A Strong Way For The Band, Its Fans To Celebrate Its 10th Anniversary

This year marks a key point in the life of Serious Black.  The band is marking its 10th anniversary this year, and is doing so with the release of its now sixth album, Rise of Akhenaton.  The 11-song record, which was released Friday via AFM Records, is a fitting jumping on point for new audiences just as much as it is a continuation for the band’s established audiences.  That is due in part to its featured musical arrangements, which will be addressed shortly.  The lyrical themes that accompany that content play just as much into the record’s appeal and will be discussed a little later.  The album’s production puts the finishing touch to its presentation, rounding out the whole.  When it and the other noted items are noted collectively, the whole makes Rise of Akhenaton a record that Serious Black’s audiences will appreciate just as much as more casual listeners.

Rise of Akhenaton, the latest full-length studio recording from Serious Black, is an entertaining new offering from the veteran rock act.  Its appeal comes in large part through its featured musical arrangements.  The arrangements in question display a blend of power metal and 80s power metal.  Sometimes those leanings are separate from one another while at others, they meld surprisingly well together in one whole.  Case in point is the album’s second entry ‘We Are The Storm.’ Over the course of the nearly four minute composition, audiences can make comparisons to works from Firewind and Sabaton all in one what with the semi-orchestral arrangement added to the mix.  At the same time, there is something about front man Nikola Mijic’s vocal delivery that screams 80 hair metal just as much as it does power metal.  The whole makes for an intriguing presentation in itself.

‘Shields of Glory’ is another example of the importance of the album’s musical arrangements.  That is because unlike that of ‘We Are the Storm,’ this song’s arrangement is more direct in its power metal leaning.  Listeners could even argue the arrangement here is something of a pro-metal type composition, too.  Regardless, the punch that the arrangement offers with its driving guitar line and timekeeping makes for a clear change of sound and style that is sure to engage and entertain listeners.

On yet another note, the band goes the power metal ballad route in the album’s penultimate entry, ‘I Will Remember,’ changing things up quite a bit again.  The subdued, contemplative mood of this song is yet another example of the diversity that the album’s musical content provides listeners.  When it is considered along with the other arrangements examined here and that trio with the rest of the album’s entries, the whole of that musical content gives audiences reason enough to hear this album at least once.

The musical arrangements featured throughout Rise of Akhenaton are collectively just one part of what makes the album worth hearing.  The lyrical themes that accompany that musical material adds its own share of interest to the presentation.  The singles that the album has already produced have made that clear.  Case in point is the album’s single, ‘Silent Angel.’  No information regarding the song’s theme was provided in the news release announcing the song’s premiere recently.  The lyrics printed in the record’s booklet paint a picture of a story of someone trying to encourage a secondary person who clearly has lived hard for lack of better wording.  This as front man Nikola Mijic sings, “You don’t live your life to the fullest/It looks like paradise has gone/You can only see the dark side of the sun/No love/Just echoes in the night/As child alone/Parents absent/Mum and dad/Just figures in your soul/Take my hand/Amidst the chaos/A silent plea/This road through hell is setting you free/Take my hand and fly/From the darkness into the light/I see your inner fear/Take your sorrow and your tears/Silent Angel fly.”  This is someone trying to encourage that other individual to not give up. To take the help being offered.  The song continues in similar fashion in its second verse as the main subject tells the other, he knows what that person has been through in regard to drug addiction and other issues, but still tells that person to “reach out when things come undone.”  This is such an important statement.  That is so, because of the stigma that still stands in so many people’s minds regarding asking for help.  People need to be willing to ask for help in those difficult times.  No one can do it alone.  To that end, this message presented here is so important an addition to this record.

‘United ‘is another example of the importance of the album’s lyrical themes.  As with that of ‘Silent Angel,’ the theme here is another positive message.  As the title hints, it is a message of unity, togetherness.  This is clear as Mijic sings in the song’s lead verse and chorus, “The time has come/Together we are one/All voices of the world will be united/Dark times full of fighting/And dangerous suspense/Have torn us apart/It’s time for a change/Leaving darkness behind/We take all our heart/Together with faith/We’ll be taking one away/For all to remember/The time has come.”  That very statement of how we as a world have become so divided is so true.  It really is time for a change.  Mijic adds in the song’s second verse that, “The future is lying in our own hands/And we won’t surrender.”  That proud defiance against those negative forces and that drive to move forward is a welcome statement that the world needs now just as much as ever.  Keeping that in mind, this overall statement is yet more example of the importance of the album’s lyrical themes.

For all of the seriousness that Serious Black offers audiences lyrically, the band also offers some lighthearted content, too.  This is proven in the album’s finale, ‘Metalized.’  This song is, simply put, just a straightforward song celebrating being on stage in front of an adoring audience and the musical communion the group shares with the audience.  This as Mijic sings, “We all are crazy/We all stand tall/A world of rebels/We hear the call/Flames of passion are burning bright/Throughout the concert/we embrace the night/A guitar’s screaming a warrior’s song/Throughout the battles where we belong/For metal music/We live and die/In this rhythm/We find our life/Banging on the edge/With fire in our veins/Rock the world to break the chains.”  He adds, “In the mosh pit/We will survive/With every call/We feel alive/Like a rolling thunder/We’re marching on/Turn up the party/’Til the break of dawn.”  This is hardly the first time that any rock band (or metal act) has ever crafted a song celebrating life on stage, being out there in front of the audiences.  It is no less enjoyable here than in those other cases and further shows the place of the lyrical content featured in Rise of Akhenaton, further showing the importance of said content.

When the lyrical material examined here is considered alongside the rest of the album’s lyrical content, the whole therein proves to be just as engaging and entertaining as the record’s musical arrangements.  The two elements collectively give listeners that much more reason to take in this album and are not the do all end all here, either.  The album’s production puts the finishing touch to its presentation.  From beginning to end, the album’s production expertly balances Mijic’s vocal performances with the work of his fellow musicians.  The result is that no one man’s work overpowers that of his fellow performer.  Each song puts forth its best foot and produces a positive overall aesthetic that is sure to appeal to audiences just as much as the album’s overall content.  All things considered the album proves to be well worth hearing at least once among the band’s established audiences as much as more casual listeners.

Rise of Akhenaton, the latest album from Serious Black is a positive way for the band to celebrate its now 10th anniversary.  That is because it impresses in part through its featured musical arrangements, which exhibit elements of power metal, 80s hair metal and even some hard rock.  Sometimes those leanings are on display by themselves and at others blend together expertly (another example of the positive production in this album).  From one song to the next, the arrangements offer plenty for audiences to appreciate.  The lyrical themes that accompany the album’s musical arrangements are of their own note.  That is because of its own diversity.  The record’s production puts the final touch to its presentation.  The production that went into this album ensured a positive aesthetic impact that will certainly keep listeners engaged and entertained.  Each item examined is important in its own way to the whole of the album’s presentation.  All things considered they make Rise of Akhenaton an enjoyable rock record that is worth hearing at least once.

Rise of Akhenaton is available now through AFM Records.  More information on the album is available along with all of Serious Black’s latest news at:

