Spoilers Premieres New Single, ‘Peaches & Cream,’ Video; Announces UK Tour Dates

May 26 — Punk rock outfit Spoilers offers audiences a taste of its forthcoming EP, There or Thereabouts this week.

The preview came Friday in the form of the record’s new single, ‘Peaches & Cream‘ and the song’s video. The EP’s release date is under consideration. When it is released, it will come through independent punk label SBAM Records.

The musical arrangement featured in the new single is a catchy, upbeat composition that blends influences of pop punk and the most subtle touch of skate punk for a whole that is fully engaging and entertaining.

Front man Dan Goatham said the inspiration for the song’s lyrical theme came from discussions he had with a friend and that it is meant to serve as a commentary of sorts, too.

“It [the song’s title] was something a bloke I used to drink with would say, he’d have a really positive story always ending somehow on a downer,” Goatham said. “And he once said “well, it ain’t all peaches and cream.” So I stole it. Living the dream – You can have everything in life you ever wanted and dreamed of… and it does make you happy most of the time. People making their lives look like a fairy tale and insanely happy… and then when you run into them they’re actually having a really bad time.”

The video for the band’s new single plays right along with Goatham’s statement, opening with someone doing mundane chores, such as sweeping, washing dishes and even cleaning a toilet. From there the story transitions to the band on the road, having a good time. The clearly intentional dichotomy of situations is meant to show that for all of the good, exciting stuff in life, there is the more boring, mundane side that no one talks about. It is a fitting artistic interpretation of the message in the song’s lyrics.

Courtesy: SBAM Records

In other news, Spoilers has also announced a series of live dates in support of its new EP, beginning June 23 in Ipswich, UK. The tour is scheduled to run through Dec. 22 in Peterborough, UK.

More information on Spoilers’ upcoming tour, its new EP, single, and video is available along with all of the band’s latest news at https://www.facebook.com/spoilersuk.