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How Visiting Museums Through 2020 Went: Is it Safe?

Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing your own business at home, and on top of that there's the curse of travelling, worries about making train...

A Florist from Downtown Minneapolis Creates Art with Bouquets

Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing your own business at...

This Photographer Took Photos During the Californian Fires

Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing your own business at...

Success with a Business Idea: Combining Handiness and Art

Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing your own business at...

Female Hairdresser from New York Won a Grammy for Best Dressed

Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing your own business at...

IDW’s Latest ‘TMNT’ Anthology Is Another Great Trip Back To The Turtles’ Golden Age

More than thirty years ago, Fred Wolf Films introduced American audiences to what has since become one of the most beloved television series of...

Disney’s ‘Moana 2’ Proves Sequels Are Never As Good As Their Predecessors

Sometimes in life, you have to get lost to find your way.  That is essentially the tag line for the latest entry in Walt...

‘Dark Pyramid’ Gets Off To A Strong Start In Forthcoming Debut

Alaska is America’s last great frontier.  For ages, it has lured countless men to its snow-covered lands in search of riches.  It has also...

Established, New ‘Gatchaman’ Fans Will Enjoy Mad Cave Studios’ ‘Gatchaman: Volume One’ Collection

Fans of the classic anime series Gatchaman (known in the United States as War of the Planets) received a special early holiday gift last month when comics...

Mad Cave Studios Gets Off To A Strong Start In 2025 With ‘Gatchaman’ Mini-Series

Origin stories are all the rage in the movie business, just as with all the prequels, sequel, reboots, and movies based on books and...

‘Missing On The Moon #1′ Is A Strong Start For Mad Cave Studios’ Latest Series

Space and crime.  They are two favorite topics for almost everyone.  Put them together and they lead to quite the interesting presentation.  That is...

‘Long Cold Winter’ Gets Off To An Interesting Start In Its Debut Issue

With only days left in 2024, comics publisher Mad Cave Studios is winding down the year by making a brand-new beginning on a new...

“Dick Tracy Vol. 1” Is A Wonderful Rebirth Of One Of The World’s Greatest Literary Detectives

People love crime.  They can deny it all they want, but it clearly does pay.  Just look at all of the real crime shows...

Troma’s “Toxic Crusaders” Set Is One Of 2024’s Most Welcome Surprises

Thanksgiving has once again come and gone and that means one thing: the annual holiday shopping season is officially underway once more.  Anyone looking...

Holiday Reboot Is A Surprisingly Enjoyable Offering

Reboots are a way of life for Hollywood nowadays.  As a matter of fact, like prequels, sequels, and movies based on actual events and...

Bonus Content, Special Effects Are Saving Graces For ‘Alien: Romulus’

Early next month, 20th Century Studios (nee 20th Century Fox) will bring the latest entry in its seemingly never-ending Alien franchise to physical media when it releases Alien: Romulus.  The...

Marvel’s Latest ‘Deadpool’ Movie Is Among 2024’s Top New Cinematic Offerings

Late last year, one of the biggest pieces of movie news in a while was released when it was announced that Marvel Studios’ Deadpool franchise would...

“Clay Footed Giants” Will Find Appeal Among A Very Targeted Audience

Comics have, since their golden age, been creations meant for entertainment, a source of escape.  Whether it be the action packed adventures of various...

Nickelodeon, KaBoom!’s Debut “Garfield” Comics Anthology Is A Great Tribute To Garfield’s Legacy

People need a good laugh more today than ever before.  Or at least it seems that way.   One need only surf through the channels...

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