May 18 — The Power Rangers franchise recently marked its 30th anniversary with a special, nearly hour-long special on Netflix.

Boom! Studios will mark the franchise’s history Aug. 30 with a new special anthology comic book featuring five Power Rangers stories. The stories were written separately by Ryan Parrott (Rogue Sun), Mat Groom (Inferno Girl Red), original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson and Hotson (Titans), and Maria Ingrande Mora (Fragile Remedy) alongside Melissa Flores.
The stories featured in the new anthology include a story focusing on the Power Rangers’ friend Ernie, who runs the city’s juice bar; a story about Alpha-5’s struggle to find his own purpose; a brand-new “What If?” story involving Tommy’s powers and an alternate universe, an extra tale about Tommy and Kimberly getting married, and a closer look at the Power Rangers Academy. The last of the stories is a means to help promote Boom! Studios’ fledgling Rangers Academy comic book series.

Boom! Studios Editor Allyson Gronowitz talked briefly about the new, forthcoming comic book special in a prepared statement.
“This is without a doubt an oversized celebration of Power Rangers for fans, writers and artists who are true fans themselves,” Gronowitz said.

The main cover for the forthcoming 30th Anniversary special was designed by Dan Mora (Once & Future). Its variant covers were designed by Rian Gonzales (Batgirls), Jamal Campbell (Nightwing), Bon Bernardo (Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers), Miguel Mercado (Go Go Power Rangers), and Goni Montes (Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers).
Returning Power Ranger artists Hendry Prasetya (Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers), Eleonora Carlini (Go Go Power Rangers), Marco Renna (Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers), and newcomer Jo Mi-Gyeong (Eve) will lend their talents to the special presentation.
More information on this and other titles from Boom! Studios is available at:
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