July 28 — Independent progressive metal outfit The Advent Equation is set to release its next album in 2024, but the band is not wasting time getting audiences excited about the as yet untitled record.
The band debuted the album’s lead single, ‘A Sudden Perception‘ and the song’s video Friday. The song’s musical arrangement is easily comparable to works from the likes of Dream Theater and Fates Warning. Speaking more specifically, the distinct sound and style presented here (which is accented by the song’s keyboard line) makes the song especially comparable to works from Dream Theater’s 1997 album, Falling Into Infinity.
No information was provided about the song’s lyrical theme in the news release announcing the premiere of the new single and video. Lyrics were not provided with the video, either. ‘A Sudden Perception’ is the first of three singles the band plans to release from its new video, according to the noted press release. The record’s second single is planned for release in November and the third in March 2024.
The song’s video is a straight forward presentation. It features the band in what looks like the dining room of a rather large house. the band plays its new single in the room as shots of other parts of the house are played. The song plays over the visualization as it all plays out.
More information on The Advent Equation’s new single, video and album is available along with all of the band’s latest news at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theadventequation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adventequation