Home Movie and TV Reviews and News Mercury Studios’ Little Feat Live Re-Issue Offers Audiences Plenty To Appreciate

Mercury Studios’ Little Feat Live Re-Issue Offers Audiences Plenty To Appreciate

Courtesy: Mercury Studios

Early next month, veteran rock band Little Feat’s 2004 live recording Highwire Act In St. Louis will get renewed attention early next month when it is re-issued for on a Blu-ray/2CD combo pack.  The new re-issue (set for release Nov. 3) will mark the first time ever that the concert, previously released solely on the noted package complete with audio-only platform.  That new presentation is at the core of the recording’s success and will be addressed shortly.  The concert’s set list adds to the recording’s appeal and will be examined a little later.  The recording’s production rounds out its most important elements and puts the finishing touch to its presentation and will also be examined later.  Each item noted here is important in its own way to the whole of the recording.  All things considered they make the presentation one that the band’s most devoted audiences will appreciate.

Mercury Studio’s forthcoming re-issue of Little Feat’s 2004 live recording, Highwire Act in St. Louis is a presentation that the band’s established audiences are certain to appreciate.  That is due in part to its new packaging.  Whereas the original recording was released only on DVD, the new re-issue features the concert, which was captured in 2003 at The Pageant in St. Louis, MO, not only in an upgraded Blu-ray platform but also on a companion 2CD set.  The Blu-ray offers audiences better quality audio and visual while the presentation of the concert on an audio-only platform means audiences can enjoy the concert anywhere they go.  They will no longer be limited in how and where they enjoy the concert, whether in their vehicles or at home.  That is a strong positive in its own right to the overall presentation.

The very presentation of the concert on both audiovisual and audio presentation together in one package, and on the latest audiovisual technology at that, forms a solid foundation for the re-issue of Little Feat’s Highwire Act in St. Louis.  Building on that foundation is the concert’s set list.  The 17-song set list pulls from more than half of the band’s 16-album catalog (nine albums to be exact).  It reaches all the way back to the band’s debut self-titled 1971 album and all the way up to the band’s 2003 album, Kickin’ It At The Barn, for which the band was touring at the time of the concert.  Along the way, the set list also pulls from the likes of the band’s sophomore album, Sailin’ Shoes (1972), its follow-up, 1973’s Dixie Chicken, and even 1998’s Under The Radar among so many other of the band’s albums.  It is not a completely comprehensive representation of the band’s catalog, but it certainly pulls from a healthy portion of the band’s records considering the likely time limitations under which the band had to perform.

The band’s performance of its relatively wide-ranging set list is just as enjoyable as the set list itself.  From the laid back, Jimmy Buffet-esque opener, ‘Time Loves A Hero’ to the even more relaxed, bluesy approach of ‘Cadillac Hotel’ – which conjures thoughts of works from Susan Tedeschi, obviously because of the style and the female vocals — to the more energetic, almost Dr. John-esque style of ‘Night on the Town,’ to the bluesy/soulful performance in ‘Oh Atlanta’ and so much more, the band puts just enough energy into each song’s performance.  The result is a set that keeps audiences engaged just as much for the overall performance as for the songs themselves.

Throughout the course of the set list the concert’s production does its own share to keep audiences engaged and entertained.  The concert’s audio is crystal clear.  Those responsible for balancing the acoustics in the venue with the performance of the band are to be applauded for the time and effort that they put in to make sure all of that was taken into account and balanced.  The cameras take audiences right up on stage and into the crowd, making the home recording the best seat in the house.  What’s more, the fades and angles that are used throughout the concert not only help to properly capture the energy in each song but also to capture the enjoyment of the audience.  The result is that audiences at home will feel that same combined energy and have such enjoyment in their own right.  When the engagement and entertainment ensured through the concert’s combined video and audio is combined with that ensured through the set list and the band’s performance thereof, the success of the recording becomes even more apparent.  Add in the fact that the concert’s set list pulls from so much of the band’s catalog and the recording gains even more appreciation.  All things considered, they make Highwire Act Live in St. Louis a work that will appeal to any vintage rock fan and any of Little Feats’ established audiences.

Mercury studios’ forthcoming re-issue of Little Feat’s live recording Highwire Act Live In St. Louis is a successful update of the original recording, which was initially released in 2004 through the company.  Its success comes in part through its presentation.  Mercury Studios (formerly Eagle Rock Entertainment) has updated the original recording, which was presented on DVD with a new Blu-ray presentation.  That presentation is accompanied in this case with a companion 2CD set that will collectively allow audiences to enjoy the concert anywhere they go.  The recording’s presentation is just part of what makes it successful.  Its set list also plays into its appeal.  Spanning 17 songs, the set list featured here is the same one featured in the recording’s original 2004 release and in the same order.  The band’s performance of the set list makes for its own engagement and entertainment, as it shows the band giving just enough in each song’s performance.  The record’s production puts the finishing touch to its presentation.  That is because it ensures the recording sounds and looks its best from beginning to end.  Each item examined here is important in its own way to the whole of the recording’s new presentation.  All things considered they make Highwire Act Live in St. Louis a welcome work for any of Little Feat’s fans and for any vintage rock fan.

Highwire Act Live in St. Louis is scheduled for release Nov. 3 through Mercury Studios.  More information on the recording is available along with all of the band’s latest news at:




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