The Dollyrots Addresses Depression With Lyric Video For Latest Single; Announces Tour With Gymshorts

Feb. 6 — The Dollyrots continued the push for its latest album, Night Owls Tuesday with the premiere of the lyric video for its single. The duo debuted the lyric video for its new single, ‘Can’t Tell You Why’ Tuesday. The song is featured in the band’s album, which was released last year through Wicked Cool Records. The record has also produced the singles, ‘I …

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The Dollyrots Debuts Lyric Video For New Single, ‘Hey Girl’

Sept. 14 — The Dollyrots gave audiences another preview of its forthcoming album, Night Owl, this week. The preview came in the form of the lyric video for the album’s latest single, ‘Hey Girl.’ The lyric video is a familiar style presentation for any act. It features the song’s lyrics (presented in what is meant to be a distinctly punk style font) …

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