Horizon Theory Tackles Mental Health In New Single, ‘December’
May 12 — Independent rock band Horizon Theory kicked off the weekend by premiering its new single and video. The

May 12 — Independent rock band Horizon Theory kicked off the weekend by premiering its new single and video.
The band premiered its new single, ‘December‘ and the song’s companion video Friday. The single’s premiere came more than a month after the premiere of its then latest single, ‘Past Life‘.
The musical arrangement featured in the band’s new single is an intriguing presentation. For the most part, the arrangement follows a familiar brooding melodic hard rock formula, as is evidenced through the sound and style of the song’s guitar line and the contemplative sound and style of the vocal delivery. That approach is contrasted at points, with some metalcore style vocals. The two vocal sides make for quite the interesting contrast and is sure to engage listeners, along with the song’s overall instrumentation.
According to front man Josh Harrington, the song’s lyrical theme addresses mental health from a personal perspective.
‘While writing “December”, I kind of had one thing in mind: at times, everyone gets to a point in their life where they just don’t know if they can go on anymore,” Harrington said. “We play this fictitious role that only we know isn’t true. We try to fulfill those things that people think we are supposed to do and be, and I had reached that point myself. It was time to start being myself – that’s when I really started to see who and what really mattered in my life.”
Harrington added, the song took on a whole new meaning later when he fell ill and was forced to sit out the band’s tour. The situation led him to become depressed and that as he overcame his illness and depression, the song helped him recover from both matters. He said he hopes the song will help listeners as much as it did him.
The video for Horizon Theory’s new single is a straight forward presentation. It features the band performing its new single on a sound stage meant to show how the band looks on stage in person. The song plays over the visualization.
More information on Horizon Theory’s new single is available along with all of the band’s latest news at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087913909620